The Loves and Life of a London Girl

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Location: London, United Kingdom

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Man bashing...

Why is life one big rollercoaster when you’re in a relationship? One minute you’re all loved up, the next minute they piss you off for some reason or other. The next you’re having make up sex and your mind is at a blank over what you were arguing about. But do we really forget our arguments, or do we hold a little grudge?

We just can’t help it, we love to moan about them, gossip…or as my sister puts it, we love to man bash. No no it’s not some weird sexual thing, but when we slag them off about their pure ignorance towards us, or…… their annoying habits. The way they drive. The toilet lid. Their porn addiction. Their dress sense. They money they’ve spent. The mud on the carpet. The fact that they have no control over their life and they should be mapping it out from here to here. Oh and not forgetting that last drop of orange juice that you were planning to drink all night and…HE DRUNK IT!

Ingredients for a successful night of man bashing usually consist of; a strong dose of girls, previous arguments stirred in for good measure, and a pinch of cocktails added to spice things up. Usually the worst ingredient is the newcomer. A friend you’re trying to hush up but manages to excitedly tell your ‘man basher’ friends that ‘It’s so great living with him’ or ‘His taking me to Paris’ or worse ‘ We’re sooooooo in love’.

Please get me a bucket, you don’t want to know someone’s deliriously in love when you kind of are but he hasn’t down the washing up for the third night in a row, and you feel like straggling him with a tea towel until he gives in!

Don’t get me wrong, we're not witches round a cauldron, stirring poison up for our men to drink. We’re just like you, hanging with our girlfriends telling a tale or two about how he’s really cute but sometimes he does our head in.

I try my best not to join in. But how can you stop yourself from letting out vent up anger when you’re having a bitching session. Even if you haven’t had an argument for the past month there’s always something you can root out and compare against your friends relationship. In a way it’s like going to see a psychiatrist, but cheaper. Its good to let out your feelings, its therapeutic and at least your man doesn’t get the brunt of your moaning.

In some ways I feel sorry for the boyfriend. They're at home, thinking that their relationship is all cosy and they’ve sorted out any little problems with you. Unbeknown to them we’ve all joined forces, at some bar, and created a man bashing session.

But it’s not that were miserable in our relationships; we wouldn’t be with them otherwise. It’s just that sometimes there’s something that just isn’t right – and who are we to not moan about it to our friends – wouldn’t it be wrong not to?

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