The Loves and Life of a London Girl

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Location: London, United Kingdom

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Just Dump them God Damn it!

Shit; we’ve all been through it, and it’s worse than telling your best friend you’ve wrecked her new designer dress; but breaking up with someone is something that most of us are going to have to encounter.

Okay so you maybe in this super happy relationship where you never argue. Lucky you; a friend of mine was apparently in one of these super human relationships; but I just don’t get it; how can you not argue? Isn’t it just human nature to get pissed off with someone, especially, and most definitely when you’re living with them. He said they nearly broke up once, but he couldn’t bear to go through with it; was this because he was scared to go it alone or just couldn’t bring himself to tell her; or just the fact that he maybe did actually love her still?! Hmm…no I think he was just a big old coward!

Breaking up with someone is almost like quitting a job. You know it’s going to be hard, you don’t really want to tell them you’re leaving. You don’t know what else is out there; what if you don’t find anything else? But do you know what; if you never look then you’ll never know. It could be the biggest mistake of your life, or the best thing you’ve ever done.

Another friend of mine was with her so called boyfriend for pure convenience. I met her a year ago when all she did was moan on about how she hated living with her boyfriend, let alone being with him. Guess what; still to this day she’s with him. “But I have no where else to live” she says “I’ve been looking, but he pays half the rent and I cant afford anywhere on my own in London”. “Sorry” I said as my head swivelled 360 degrees “Is there a screw lose in there? If your not happy why waste your time?!!”

Some people love to be in relationships where all they do is argue, bitch about each other, and sleep with other people; literally they must get off on it. A girl I met once in a pub (…and ended up doing a drunken rendition of I will survive with on karaoke!!) moaned all night about how her boyfriend says this to her and says that to her. I seriously felt sorry for her; she was obviously been treated badly by him. I spent the night telling her how much of a Pratt he was, doing my best impression of TV chat show Gods Trisha and Jeremy Kyle (Along the lines of ‘Send the loser packing’ ‘Your so much better than he ever will be’) and stupidly thought that I may have even got through to her. I randomly see her two months later, and in her drunken stupor she tells me “The bloody bastards gone to Ibiza with the boys, I hate him”. You just can’t help some people can you?!

At the end of the day if you don’t break up with them now you never will. Why wait a few weeks, a few months, a year; for them to change, to grow up or to love you more. If you don’t do it now you’re going to get roped into marriage, a few kids and be unhappy for the rest of your life, wondering why oh why your life ended up like this. And the sad/funny thing (We’ll be laughing at your purely foolish ways) is that you’ll only have yourself to blame (one of those ‘I told you so’ moments I think!).