The Loves and Life of a London Girl

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Location: London, United Kingdom

Thursday, October 19, 2006

What’s your name and where do you come from?

Ok so I’ve had my share of dating…sometimes mind blowing, sometimes mind numbing but dating someone who I’d never actually met before never really appealed to me.

Of course I’m talking about online dating…oh and blind dating for that matter. Yes welcome to the crazy world of 21st century dating and with one click of a button you magically find your prince who sweeps you off your feet…and down to his for a quick curry (oops…sorry it didn’t mean to say that). No it’s more like a thousand clicks later and you’re still no better off, you’re just having to fork out some hefty bill for the forty dating sites you’ve signed up to.

….and of course it’s all about the photo. They may sound nice, have skydiving and poetry as hobbies but if their photos crap then there’s no way your meeting up with them. Anyone can lie about their hobbies but a picture says it all. Or am I just being shallow?!

Anyway is that photo really them, how can you tell? It’s not like they’ve been through some rigorous photo tester to see if it fits its owner sitting at a computer in god knows where. It could be some guy they’ve nicked off myspace, or worse, them ten years younger, before the beer belly, when they hadn’t forgotten to shave and when they remembered what it looked like to look half decent.

Okay so I know some good online dating couples. And maybe the world would be a lonelier place without online dating. Hmmm….or maybe we’d be more sociable, give a bit more of a toss about looking nice to go out and not mope about in our PJ’s all weekend wondering if Mr Right was going to surf our way and leave a message in our inbox.

A friend of mine recently started talking to a local guy online, he sounded cool, looked okay but when she met him she realised she’d made a big mistake. Oh sorry I mean he’d mad a big mistake, he’d forgotten to tell her something really important, a fact that he really should have had on his online profile, in big pink flashing letters: that he was BORING! I mean isn’t this one of the most important traits to tell someone if your going to meet up for the first time; at least warn them that they’re going to be bored shitless for two hours before they can make an excuse about how their pet rabbit is choking on his carrots and they have to go and save the day! Instead my friend tried to steer the conversation away from his Playstation obsession and how it was still reasonable that he lived with his mum at the age of 30, by asking him if he would actually like to know anything about her or just bore her to death all night (not really but she should have had!) No instead she suffered in silence wondering why she’d missed CSI for an idiot like him!

You think my friend would have been scarred for life after that incident; especially after missing CSI, but no she was back on the dating wagon at least a week later. This time it was a Blind date. Now I don’t know about you but whenever I think about blind dating Cilla always pops into my head and Graham’s quick reminders. Well unfortunately she didn’t have three different guys to pick from just some guy that her friend wanted to set her up with. The saga still goes on but what happened to the days when you meet a guy, flirt a little, swap numbers and before you know it your in a relationship. Whenever you’re single everyone always has a mate they can set you up with, a boyfriend’s friend who’s really cute or some other random you don’t really care about; some people are just happy being single believe it or not!!

But for the rest of you that aren’t, happy surfing and just one tip from me never believe their photos; especially if there extremely good looking!!